Victor Complex

1 min readOct 10, 2018


Victor Complex: desires the feeling of being a conqueror (also Conqueror Complex) for their own sake or for their identified group of belonging; seeking out, defending, maintaining and self-justifying abusive power relations of systemic oppression because these structures feed material and or psychological needs as well as desires to avoid responsibility for their individual or collective actions.

In some cases, this results from the belief that the victor or the victor’s system has been singled out for absolute success in victories despite how ‘victories’ are ‘won’ because of exceptional status (see The Doctrine of Discovery, American Exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny, etc) via extra-rational ways i.e. pre-ordained from a religious source that operates beyond human judgement or consequence. This belief is often expressed by those most benefiting from systems of oppression such as institutional racism and presents as extreme, aggressive, irrational, ungrounded and violent assertions of entitlement and privilege.

The desire for these abusive, oppressive and or genocidal forms of ‘victory’ is considered a toxic form of sadism, malignant narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy/sociopathy including a critical lack of and or impairment in sympathy, empathy, understanding and or remorse, uninhibited egotism, self-deception and self-obsession.




Written by jonCates

Glitch Art pioneer, Digital Art teacher, Media Art Hystories scholar; founder of Glitch School && Glitch Art Gallery in 台北,台灣 (Taipei, Taiwan) and online.

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