Sunday January 5th 2025 was a goodDay inn the Glitch Western Art, Opening: Disrupted Landscapes 裂變景觀 jonCates & Jason Cole Mager; Tin Gods 錫神 Duncan Mountford here inn 台北,台灣 (Taipei, Taiwan) myFriends 🙏✨
inn the afternoon, we had many folks come thru visiting the exhibition && say’N hello, oldFriends && New! wit special thnx to Chien Lee && Sue Su Su for coming thru && take’N pics 📷⚡️📸✨
then afterwards we had a big fam dinner here by the river at 水灣餐廳Waterfront 碧潭店
thankYa so much TO: Project Space 110 新店藝術空間 Jocelyn Shu, Jason Cole Mager, Tim Budden, && all the folks who came thru 💖✨
“Disrupted Landscapes” 裂變景觀 two-person exhibition with jonCates && Jason Cole Mager at Project Space 110 新店藝術空間 open now, runs from January 4 ➝ March 2, 2025
Artists’ Reception: Sunday, January 5, 15:00–18:00
Viewings by appointment
Project Space 110 新店藝術空間 Art Gallery
Artist-run space in New Taipei City, Taiwan 碧潭周邊
located in the Xindian district, by Xindian MRT station Green Line