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“I regard my interactive software systems as meta-artworks, completed in collaboration with a user, whose chief subject is the cybernetic feedback loop that they establish…”
Golan Levin
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Golan Levin interviewed by jonCates for criticalartware (2003.04.23–2003.10.06)
jonCates: Your work has a strong historical basis and sensitivity which crosses computational and filmic histories. Did you research early ocular music and experimental animation while coding the Audiovisual Environment Suite or had you been aware of these cinema histories prior to building the Audiovisual Environment Suite?
Golan Levin: I was introduced to the history of abstract animation & ocular music when I was working at Interval Research in the mid-90’s. The ideas seemed to be in the air at the time — I encountered these materials from multiple directions simultaneouly, including film theorist James Tobias (now at UC Riverside) and from SF-based artist Scott Snibbe, with whom I collaborated for a time. I would say that was around ‘95-’96; I started building the Audiovisual stuff in late 1998.
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